Brain scan complete:

Authorized Regions:


Hello user @29301k. Our records indiciate that you have acquired the brain of Jeremy Smith. The extracted memory repositories have been listed above. If there are any complaints, please direct them to Address not found
We hope you enjoy your leisurely reading activites.

If it has been a long time since you last used our product, please review the instruction manual to ensure a safe user experience.

Your Profile

Hello everyone! My name is Data Not Found

I'm a man who enjoys reading, games, and much more! I'm currently a college student, yet I can never find time to write my essays for me. Think too much, brain hurt. That's why I hope my new brain can do my thinking for me.

Current Interests:

  • Games
    • Project Moon
    • Daniel Mullins
  • Books
    • Frankenstein
    • Salt to the Sea
    • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • Coding
    • I made part of this system as well!
    • Well mostly the graphics, but still
  • Magic Tricks
    • Click this link and the whole website will disappear.


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