Revamp coming!

When: ever I feel like it

Do you like reading obscure website?

I sure do! Now I'm the website. Welcome

Thanks to this thing, I can do whatever I want:

Here's how to make a list:

  1. make a <ol> or <ul> tag
  2. make <li> tags
  3. Fill the <li> tags with whatever you want
  4. Repeat until the list is finished (don't forget to close the tags)

Click this square to change its color

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

You thought.

What's on this website?

Second page is about my limbus company fixation

Third page contains some short puzzles I made.

Make sure to inspect element (it shows the html) so that you can criticize my god awful coding.

My Games (HTML and Javascript):

Click here to visit the a-maze-ing game.

(Not really a maze, more like a corridor.)

Ready to solve a murder?

(Sorry for the lack of sound)

Play Chess

(Game works, but inaccurate.)
