"Abandon hope all ye who enter here"

Gregor - Vermin

Particulars: Repulsive, Spontaneously Metamorphic

Apple: nightmarish

Gilded Apple: hopeful on the outside, rotted on the inside

Cockroach: small, controlled by others

Rodion - Split

Particulars: Materialistic, Engrossed Gambler

Matryoshka Dolls: bodies of her neighbors, the massacre

Cold: self-punishment, unable to forgive herself

Axe: evil, violence

Sinclair - Bird

Particulars: Wishy-washy, Overdependent, Inexorably Insecure

Tree: knowledge, sin

World of light: family, food, school

World of dark: Kromer, dead family, prosthetics

Coin: the two worlds?

Egg: Sinclair as a baby bird, immature and unable to face the world until he breaks out of his shell

Yi Sang - Ha Yung

Particulars: Ruminating

Mirror: longing for the ideal, reflects the current state of the world

Tranquilizers: forced stasis, unable to move forward

Wings: Freedom, hope, dreams

Ishmael - Hearse

Particulars: Suffers from an obsessive-compulsive neurosis

Lakes (ironic): rebirth for the worse, incromprehensible

Compass: Her purpose, her clear direction

Heathcliff - Revenge

Particulars: Anger-management Issues, Ruffian, Inferiority Complex

Bat: extremely violent

Bodysack: never-ending vengence

Cliff: the destruction caused by his impulsive need for revenge

Don Quixote - Impossible Dream

Particulars: Over-passionate, [REDACTED], Has Delusions of Grandeur

Knight Armor: Righteousness

Fixer pins: Obsessiveness, unrealistic expectations

Carnival horse: Her cheery behavior which masks her true bloodlust (horses are skewered in her base ego)

Hong Lu - Unreal

Particulars: Bachelor, Sheltered

Jade eye: Unable to escape his family

Ryoshu - Frantic, Screaming, Incoherent

Particulars: Has an aesthetic sense, chain smoker

Fire: uncontrollable anger, likely an ironic change

Butterfly: death

Meursault - Sun

Particulars: Refuses to cast any moral judgement

Chains: restricted by society

Sun: expectations of society, imposes a literal obstacle to him

Outis - Nobody

Particulars: Strategic

Pocket watch: stasis, longing for the end

Faust - Walpurgisnacht

Particulars: Insufferable, Chronic Lassitude

Formulas: Knowledge, thirst for more knowledge

Alchemy's flask: homunculus?

Dante - Durante

Clock: time